import java.lang.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.Applet; /** A java component used to display a connect-four board. */ class BoardDisplay extends Canvas implements Runnable, MouseListener { // Size of each image. // private static final int IMAGE_WIDTH = 50; // private static final int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 50; // RLL private int IMAGE_WIDTH = 50; private int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 50; private int current_image=0; //private int IMAGE_WIDTH = 32; //private int IMAGE_HEIGHT = 32; //private int current_image=1; // Images for displaying the board contents (chess needs a lot of them) private static Image rr_pawn_image = null; private static Image rb_pawn_image = null; private static Image br_pawn_image = null; private static Image bb_pawn_image = null; private static Image rr_rook_image = null; private static Image rb_rook_image = null; private static Image br_rook_image = null; private static Image bb_rook_image = null; private static Image rr_knight_image = null; private static Image rb_knight_image = null; private static Image br_knight_image = null; private static Image bb_knight_image = null; private static Image rr_bishop_image = null; private static Image rb_bishop_image = null; private static Image br_bishop_image = null; private static Image bb_bishop_image = null; private static Image rr_queen_image = null; private static Image rb_queen_image = null; private static Image br_queen_image = null; private static Image bb_queen_image = null; private static Image rr_king_image = null; private static Image rb_king_image = null; private static Image br_king_image = null; private static Image bb_king_image = null; private static Image r_empty_image = null; private static Image b_empty_image = null; // Board object that this is responsible for displaying private Board my_board; // Added June 16, 1999 by RL private Board run_board; private Board ponder_board; private Move lastMove; // Applet containing this board display private Game my_appl; // Thread used to let the computer choose and make its move. private Thread computer_thread = null; private Thread ponder_thread = null; private Thread my_thread = null; // Which side gets to make the next move. // Zero when the game is over. private int turn = Board.R_SIDE; // Which side is the human? private int human_side = Board.R_SIDE; // Currently selected row and column private int selected_row = -1, selected_col; private boolean flip_board=false; public BoardDisplay( Board board, Game appl ) { // Remember the applet that created us. my_appl = appl; // Remember the image we are supposed to display my_board = board; // RL addMouseListener(this); // RL July 10, 1999 setImage(1); rr_pawn_image = null; loadImage(); } public void destroy() { removeMouseListener(this); } // RL July 10, 199 private void loadImage() { Board board = my_board; Game appl = my_appl; // Media Tracker used to regulate image loading. MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker( appl ); // Load images if we don't have them yet. if( rr_pawn_image == null ){ int rs = Board.R_SIDE, bs = Board.B_SIDE; int p = Board.PAWN, r = Board.ROOK, b = Board.BISHOP, n = Board.KNIGHT, q = Board.QUEEN, k = Board.KING, x = Board.EMPTY; // Load each of the images we need rr_pawn_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(p, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_pawn_image, 0 ); rb_pawn_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(p, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_pawn_image, 0 ); br_pawn_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(p, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_pawn_image, 0 ); bb_pawn_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(p, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_pawn_image, 0 ); rr_rook_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(r, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_rook_image, 0 ); rb_rook_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(r, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_rook_image, 0 ); br_rook_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(r, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_rook_image, 0 ); bb_rook_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(r, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_rook_image, 0 ); rr_knight_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(n, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_knight_image, 0 ); rb_knight_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(n, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_knight_image, 0 ); br_knight_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(n, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_knight_image, 0 ); bb_knight_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(n, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_knight_image, 0 ); rr_bishop_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(b, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_bishop_image, 0 ); rb_bishop_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(b, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_bishop_image, 0 ); br_bishop_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(b, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_bishop_image, 0 ); bb_bishop_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(b, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_bishop_image, 0 ); rr_queen_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(q, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_queen_image, 0 ); rb_queen_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(q, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_queen_image, 0 ); br_queen_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(q, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_queen_image, 0 ); bb_queen_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(q, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_queen_image, 0 ); rr_king_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(k, rs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( rr_king_image, 0 ); rb_king_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(k, rs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( rb_king_image, 0 ); br_king_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(k, bs, rs) ); tracker.addImage( br_king_image, 0 ); bb_king_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(k, bs, bs) ); tracker.addImage( bb_king_image, 0 ); r_empty_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(x, x, rs) ); tracker.addImage( r_empty_image, 0 ); b_empty_image = appl.getImage( appl.getDocumentBase(), imageString(x, x, bs) ); tracker.addImage( b_empty_image, 0 ); // Force the tracker to load all of our images. do{ try{ tracker.waitForAll(); } catch( InterruptedException e ){ } }while( !tracker.checkAll() ); } // Set the size of this component according to what it contains. setSize( IMAGE_WIDTH * Board.WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT * Board.HEIGHT ); // Resize the Applet my_appl.setSize( IMAGE_WIDTH * Board.WIDTH+10, IMAGE_HEIGHT * Board.HEIGHT + 70); my_appl.validate(); } /** Restart the game. */ public void restart() { Board.startAll(); // Kill of the computer move thread if it's trying to make a move. terminateComputerThread(); // Reset the starting board configuration my_board.startingConfig(); turn = Board.R_SIDE; human_side = Board.R_SIDE; selected_row = -1; flip_board=false; loadImage(); // Redraw with the new configuration repaint(); // Tell the user it's time to move. my_appl.setStateMessage( "Select a move." ); lastMove = null; //startPondering(); } /** Flip the board. */ public void flip() { // Kill of the computer move thread if it's trying to make a move. terminateComputerThread(); // Switch sides and switch who has the current turn. human_side = -human_side; turn = -turn; flip_board = !flip_board; switchTurns(); } /** A java trick, don't bother to erase on an update. It all gets redrawn in paint() anyway. */ public void update( Graphics g ) { paint( g ); } /** Paint a representation of the current board state. */ public void paint( Graphics g ) { int x, y; if (flip_board) y = IMAGE_HEIGHT*(Board.HEIGHT-1); else y = 0; for( int row = 0; row < Board.HEIGHT; row++ ){ if (flip_board) x = IMAGE_WIDTH*(Board.WIDTH-1); else x = 0; for( int col = 0; col < Board.WIDTH; col++ ){ // Fill in this space with the appropariate image Image img; if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = r_empty_image; else img = b_empty_image; // changed June 15, 1999 by RL // int sym =[row][col]; int sym = my_board.Space(row, col); // Decide which image we should use for this space. if( sym == Board.R_PAWN ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_pawn_image; else img = rb_pawn_image; if( sym == Board.B_PAWN ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_pawn_image; else img = bb_pawn_image; if( sym == Board.R_ROOK ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_rook_image; else img = rb_rook_image; if( sym == Board.B_ROOK ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_rook_image; else img = bb_rook_image; if( sym == Board.R_KNIGHT ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_knight_image; else img = rb_knight_image; if( sym == Board.B_KNIGHT ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_knight_image; else img = bb_knight_image; if( sym == Board.R_BISHOP ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_bishop_image; else img = rb_bishop_image; if( sym == Board.B_BISHOP ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_bishop_image; else img = bb_bishop_image; if( sym == Board.R_QUEEN ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_queen_image; else img = rb_queen_image; if( sym == Board.B_QUEEN ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_queen_image; else img = bb_queen_image; if( sym == Board.R_KING ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = rr_king_image; else img = rb_king_image; if( sym == Board.B_KING ) if( ( row + col ) % 2 == 0 ) img = br_king_image; else img = bb_king_image; // Draw the chosen image. g.drawImage( img, x, y, my_appl ); if( selected_row == row && selected_col == col ){ g.setColor( ); g.drawRect( x, y, IMAGE_WIDTH - 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1 ); g.drawRect( x + 1, y + 1, IMAGE_WIDTH - 3, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 3 ); } if(lastMove != null) { if (lastMove.from_row() == row && lastMove.from_col() == col ) { g.setColor( ); g.drawRect( x, y, IMAGE_WIDTH - 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1 ); g.drawRect( x + 1, y + 1, IMAGE_WIDTH - 3, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 3 ); } else if (lastMove.to_row() == row && lastMove.to_col() == col ) { g.setColor( ); g.drawRect( x, y, IMAGE_WIDTH - 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 1 ); g.drawRect( x + 1, y + 1, IMAGE_WIDTH - 3, IMAGE_HEIGHT - 3 ); } } // Step ahead to the next column on the screen. if (flip_board) x -= IMAGE_WIDTH; else x += IMAGE_WIDTH; } // Step ahead to the next row on the screen if (flip_board) y -= IMAGE_HEIGHT; else y += IMAGE_HEIGHT; } } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } // // Respond to user mouse clicks, generally, when the user is making // a move. // // public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, int x, int y) { public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { int x,y; if (flip_board){ y = IMAGE_HEIGHT*Board.HEIGHT - e.getY(); x = IMAGE_WIDTH*Board.WIDTH - e.getX(); } else { y = e.getY(); x = e.getX(); } // Don't let the user choose anything if the game is // over or if it's the computer's turn to move. if( turn != human_side ) return; // First, figure out row and column of the selected space int row = y / IMAGE_HEIGHT; int col = x / IMAGE_WIDTH; // Make sure the selected space is actually on the board if( row < 0 || col < 0 || row >= Board.HEIGHT || col >= Board.WIDTH ) return; // See if this is the choice for the source or destination position. if( selected_row >= 0 ){ // See if the user is trying to un-select the chosen space. if( row == selected_row && col == selected_col ){ // Flag the current selection as empty. selected_row = -1; repaint(); } else { // Get the list of all legal moves from the current board. Move move_list = my_board.legalMoves( turn ); Move m; // Look for the user's choice on that list. // changed June 16, 1999 by RL // change reference to from_row, from_col, to_row, to_col as methods // for( m = move_list; m != null && // ( m.from_row() != selected_row || m.from_col() != selected_col || // m.to_row() != row || m.to_col() != col ); // m = ); for( m = move_list; m != null && ( m.from_row() != selected_row || m.from_col() != selected_col || m.to_row() != row || ( m.to_col() != col && (m.piece() != Board.KING*human_side || (((selected_col-2 != col && col != 0) || m.from_col()-2 < m.to_col()) && ((selected_col+2 != col && col != Board.WIDTH-1) || m.from_col()+2 > m.to_col()) ) ) ) ); m = ); // If the chosen move is legal, apply it. if( m != null ){ m.apply( my_board ); lastMove = m; // Turn off the currently selected position. selected_row = -1; // Try to let the computer have a turn. switchTurns(); } // RLL else if (my_board.Space(row,col)*human_side == -Board.KING && my_board.Space(selected_row,selected_col)*human_side == Board.KING){ toggleImage(); } } } else { // Make sure the user selected a space occupied by one of their // pieces. // changed June 15, 1999 by RL // if([ row ][ col ] * human_side >= 1 ){ if( my_board.Space(row,col) * human_side >= 1 ){ selected_row = row; selected_col = col; repaint(); } } } public void switchTurns() { int winner = my_board.checkForWin(); // See if either side has won. if( winner != 0 ){ turn = 0; // changed June 23,1999 by RL // win/lose/draw if( winner == -human_side ) my_appl.setStateMessage( "Game over. You lose!" ); else if( winner == human_side ) my_appl.setStateMessage( "Game over. You Win!" ); else my_appl.setStateMessage( "Game over. It's a Draw!" ); } else { // No winner yet. Can we switch Turns? if( my_board.legalMoves( -turn ) != null ) // We can switch turns. turn = -turn; else // See if there are any legal moves left. if( my_board.legalMoves( turn ) == null ) turn = 0; // Show a message for the current state. if( turn == 0 ) my_appl.setStateMessage( "Game over. It's a tie." ); if( turn == -human_side ){ my_appl.setStateMessage( "Selecting computer move." ); if (ponder_thread != null && ponder_board.Hint(lastMove)) startThinking(); else startComputerMove(); } if( turn == human_side ) { my_appl.setStateMessage( "Select your move." ); startPondering(); } } repaint(); } // // Terminate the computer thread early, before it has completed // making its move. // private void terminateComputerThread() { if( computer_thread != null ){ // added June 16,1999 by RL if (run_board != null) run_board.stop(); //computer_thread.stop(); computer_thread = null; } terminatePonderThread(); } // // Put the move made by the computer into the current board. // This is a separate method so that it can be synchronized. // private void submitComputerMove( Board alt_board ) { // Switch over to the new alt_board. my_board = alt_board.Duplicate(my_board); lastMove = my_board.LastMove(); // See if the game is over switchTurns(); // Flag that the computer move is done. computer_thread = null; // RL System.gc(); } // // Select a new computer move, then exit. // Computer moves are made in a separate thread. That way, we don't // tie up the user's thread for other UI activity. // // change June 16, 1999 by RL // change alt_board to run_board public void run() { Thread tmp=my_thread; if (ponder_thread == my_thread) { ponder_board = my_board.Duplicate(null); ponder_board.Ponder( -human_side ); } else if (computer_thread == my_thread) { // Make a scratch copy of the current board to work with. // Board alt_board = my_board.Duplicate(); run_board = my_board.Duplicate(null); // Now, let the computer choose a response. run_board.computerMove( -human_side ); } if (computer_thread == tmp) { // Apply the computer's move to the main board. submitComputerMove( run_board ); } else if (ponder_thread == tmp) ponder_thread = null; } /** Start up a spare thread and use it to let the computer choose it's move. */ private void startComputerMove() { // Update the state of the applet. my_appl.disableDefer(); terminatePonderThread(); // Make a new thread in which the computer can choose // its move. computer_thread = new Thread( this ); my_thread = computer_thread; computer_thread.start(); } /** Start up a spare thread and use it to let the computer pondering on opponent's time. */ private void startPondering() { ponder_thread = new Thread( this ); my_thread = ponder_thread; ponder_thread.start(); } private void terminatePonderThread() { if( ponder_thread != null ) { if (ponder_board != null) ponder_board.stop(); // ponder_thread.stop(); ponder_thread = null; } } private void startThinking() { Board tmp=run_board; run_board = ponder_board; ponder_board = tmp; computer_thread = ponder_thread; ponder_thread = null; run_board.Switch(); } public void stop() { Board.stopAll(); terminateComputerThread(); } private String imageString(int p, int col, int sq) { if (current_image==0) { String[] ps = { "empty", "pawn", "rook", "knight", "bishop", "queen", "king"}; String[] ss = { "r", "", "b" }; // "rb.pawn.gif" "r.empy.gif" return ss[col+1] + ss[sq+1] + "." + ps[p] + ".gif"; } else { String[] ps = { "0", "p", "r", "n", "b", "q", "k"}; String[] ss = { "w", "", "b" }; // "bp-w.gif" "0-w.gif" return ss[col+1] + ps[p] + "-" + ss[sq+1] + ".gif"; } } // RLL private void toggleImage() { if (current_image == 0) setImage(1); else setImage(0); // RL July 10, 199 rr_pawn_image = null; loadImage(); System.gc(); } private void setImage(int img) { current_image = img; switch(img) { case 0: IMAGE_WIDTH = 50; IMAGE_HEIGHT = 50; break; case 1: IMAGE_WIDTH = 32; IMAGE_HEIGHT = 32; break; } } }